Sports Design and Technology Packaging by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

EVADE branding, products, technology and graphics designed. 

Evade size charts, branding and products by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Branding, size charts and products.

Cycling tights and leggings product design by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Evade cycling leggings designed including branding.

Cycling leggings designed by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Side view of Evade leggings 

Evade cycling tights designed and manipulated in Photoshop
Evade cycling tights designed and manipulated in Photoshop
Complete sports range designed by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Evade cycling jersey designed and manipulated in Photoshop.

Technology designed by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Material technology designed, branded and compiled.

Sports material technology by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Material technology designed, branded and compiled.

Sports Technology Design by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

Sports technology design, branded and compiled.  

Sports product design by The Mini Media Company Elida Fidler

The complete EVADE range of products designed from conception, branding, packaging, advertising, image manipulation, description, and web placement.

Children's product range

A children's cardboard mockup range of products (a range of 7 in total).

Ticky Donovan OBE set of 3 dvds

Ticky Donovan O.B.E. set of 3 dvd covers.

Cycling bib shorts, bib and jersey

Cycling bib shorts, short sleeved cycling top and jersey design

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